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All benchmarks run on GitHub Actions using the ubuntu-latest matrix. Various metrics are measured by the following applications:


The CPU intensive benchmark measures how much time it takes to calculate all the prime numbers under a certain value without blocking the UI and reporting how many have been found so far using web workers.

Execution Time​

How much time in total it takes to initialize the application and wait for the DOMContentLoaded event. This uses hyperfine under the hood and runs 3 warm-up sequence first, then 10 sequences to calculate the average execution time.

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Binary Size​

All binaries are compiled in release mode.

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Memory Usage​

Uses mprof to get the max memory usage during execution. Smaller is better.

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Thread Count​

How many threads the application uses. Smaller is better.

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Syscall Count​

How many total syscalls are performed when executing a given application. Smaller is better.

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